Presidential Climate Commission raises concerns about poor disaster management at local govt level
South African Local Government Association (SALGA) - Latest News
18/02, 14:15
SALGA Gauteng wants coalition legislation finalised ahead of 2026 local govt elections
19/11, 14:59
SALGA says govt ministers out of touch with realities of communities who can't pay for water
19/10, 07:58
COGTA committee urges SALGA to do more about the poor quality of councillors
18/09, 18:51
Electricity meter fraud: We're upgrading software to identify 'non-vending' meters, says SALGA
06/09, 11:39
SALGA strikes ‘game-changing’ 5-year wage deal with unions SAMWU and IMATU
28/08, 06:18
Only Cape Town has a clean audit. How do we start fixing South Africa's failing metros?
20/08, 05:59
Residents' distrust slowing down process of upgrading prepaid electricity meters - SALGA
19/08, 12:49
SALGA says municipalities have not upgraded over a million prepaid electricity meters
19/08, 10:34
Municipal worker unions have 2 weeks to consider wage proposal after tense talks with SALGA
13/08, 16:54
Al Jama-ah leader says Joburg's next mayor won't match Gwamanda’s outstanding performance
25/07, 04:59
Implications of CoJ scrapping R200 electricity surcharge to be seen in 2025 - SALGA
24/07, 16:47